Incoloy Alloy A286

Incoloy Alloy A286

Nickel (Ni) - 25.5 Median
(24.0 Min - 27.0 Max)
Chromium (Cr) - 14.75 Median
(13.5 Min - 16.0 Max)
Molybdenum (Mo) - 1.25 Median
(1.0 Min - 1.5 Max)
Iron (Fe) - 51.6135 Balance
Manganese (Mn) - 2.0 Max
Cobalt (Co) - 1.0 Max
Silicon (Si) - 1.0 Max
Titanium (Ti) - 2.125 Median
(1.9 Min - 2.35 Max)


  • Nickel (Ni) 25.5 Median
    (24.0 Min - 27.0 Max)
  • Chromium (Cr) 14.75 Median
    (13.5 Min - 16.0 Max)
  • Aluminum Al 0.35 Max
  • Molybdenum (Mo) 1.25 Median
    (1.0 Min - 1.5 Max)
  • Iron (Fe) 51.6135 Balance
  • Manganese (Mn) 2.0 Max
  • Cobalt (Co) 1.0 Max
  • Carbon (C) 0.08 Max
  • Silicon (Si) 1.0 Max
  • Titanium (Ti) 2.125
  • Vanadium (Va) 0.30 Median
    (0.1 Min - 0.5 Max)
  • Phosphorus (P) 0.025 Max
  • Boron (B) 0.0065 Median
    (0.003 Min - 0.01 Max)

UNS S66286

A286 is a super-austenitic alloy, the slim majority of its chemical content is iron. Its notable feature is its strength. Tensile values can range to over 210 KSI depending on the heat treat procedure. In addition, A286 is heat resistant and is used frequently in jet engines and in gas turbines.

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  • Environment:
    Oxidation Resistant
  • Temperature Limit:
    1300 °F / 704 °C
  • Ultimate Tensile (Typical):
    90 ksi / 620 mpa

Specifications & Technical Data

If your question isn’t answered below, download the technical data sheet here.


  • ASTM A453 Grade 660
  • ASTM A638
  • Werkstoffblatt: 1.4980

Physical Properties

Typical Values for A286 at Room Temperature
Solution Treated 0.286 lb./in3 7.92 g/cm3
Solution Treated and Aged 0.287 lb./in3 7.94 g/cm3
Specific Gravity
Specific Treated 7.92
Solution Treated and Aged 7.94
Melting Range 2500-2600°F 1370-1430°C
Magnetic Permeability
Solution Treated 1.010
Solution Treated and Aged 1.007
Specific Heat 0.10 Btu/lb-°F 420 Joules/kg-°K


Linear Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Tests Conducted on Solution Treated and Aged Material

Temperature Range Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (units of 10-6)
°F °C /°F  /°C 
70-200 21-93 9.17 16.5
70-400 21-204 9.35 16.8
70-600 21-316 9.47 17.0
70-800 21-427 9.64 17.4
70-1000 21-538 9.78 17.6
70-1200 21-649 9.88 17.8
70-1400 21-760 10.32 18.6


Thermal Conductivity
Temperature Thermal Conductivity
°F  °C Btu-ft/ft2-h-°F W/m•K
302 150 8.7 15.1
572 300 10.3 17.8
932 500 12.6 21.8
1112 600 13.8 23.9


Electrical Resistivity
Temperature Electrical Resistivity
°F  °C
77 25 91.0
1004 540 115.6
1202 650 118.8
1346 730 120.1
1499 815 122.4


Elastic Modulus, Modulus of Rigidity and Poisson’s Ratio
Temperature Modulus of Elasticity*
(Modulus of Ridigity)
Poisson’s Ratio
°F °C  106 psi GPa (μ)
-320 -196 29.6 (11.6) 204 (80) 0.280
-100 -73 29.4 (11.4) 203 (79) 0.290
75 24 29.1 (11.2) 201 (77) 0.300
1000 538 23.5 (8.8) 162 (61) 0.330
1100 593 22.9 (8.6) 158 (59) 0.335
1200 649 22.2 (8.3) 153 (57) 0.340
1300 704 21.6 (8.0) 149 (55) 0.345
1400 760 20.6 (7.6) 142 (53) 0.350
1500 816 19.8 (7.3) 137 (50) 0.355
1600 871 18.9 (7.0) 130 (48) 0.360


Mechanical Properties

Typical Short Time Tensile Properties as a Function of Temperature*
Yield Strength  Ultimate Tensile Strength Elongation
40,000 psi 90,000 psi 40%
(275 MPa) (620 MPa)

*Material solution treated at 1800°F (982°C)

A286 Typical Short Time Tensile Properties as a Function of Temperature

*Material tested was solution treated at 1800°F (982°C) and aged at 1325°F (718°C) for 16 hours.

Charpy V-Notch Impact Properties
Testing Temperature Charpy V-Notch Impact Energy
°F °C Ft-lbs Joules
-320 -196 57 77
-100 -73 68 92
80 27 64 87
410 210 60 81
810 432 52 70
1010 543 46 62
1113 600 44 60
1250 677 41 56
1450 788 52 71


Hardness vs Aging Temperature for A286 Sheet

*Samples tested were solution treated at 1800°F (982°C) and aged at 1325°F (718°C) for 16 hours.

Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance

Test Environment Typical Performance
Type 304 Type 316 Alloy A286
5% Neutral Salt Spray No Rusting
100 Hours
No Rusting
100 Hours
No Rusting
100 Hours
U-Bend Test in 42% Magnesium Chloride Cracks
8 Hours
24 Hours
168 Hours
Crevice Corrosion Test in 10% Ferric Chloride (pH 1.5) at 70 F (21 C) Attacked Attacked Attacked


Test Environment
Boiling Solution
in mils Per Year (mm/a)
Type 304 Type 316 Alloy A286*
20% Acetic Acid <0.1
45% Formic Acid 48.2
10% Oxalic Acid 48.5
1% Hydrochloric Acid 107
10% Sulfuric Acid >500
20% Phosphoric Acid 0.2
10% Sodium Bisulfate 63.6

*Tested in the solution-treated condition.

Creep and Stress Rupture Properties

Typical Creep and Stress Rupture Strengths of A286 Aged at 1325°F (718°C)

Typical Creep and Stress Rupture Strengths of A286 Aged at 1325°F (718°C)


Work Hardening of Solution Treated A286 Sheet

Work Hardening of Solution Treated A286 Sheet

Three Blue Hexagons Are Lined Up On A White Background Three Blue Hexagons Are Lined Up On A White Background

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