a bunch of metal rings are stacked on top of each other

Incoloy 800, 800HT

Incoloy 800, 800HT

Nickel (Ni) - 32.5 Median
(30.0 Min - 35.0 Max)
Chromium (Cr) - 21.0 Median
(19.0 Min - 23.0 Max)
Iron (Fe) - 43.8 Balance
Manganese (Mn) - 1.5 Max


  • Nickel (Ni) 32.5 Median
    (30.0 Min - 35.0 Max)
  • Chromium (Cr) 21.0 Median
    (19.0 Min - 23.0 Max)
  • Aluminum Al 0.375 Median
    (0.15 Min - 0.6 Max)
  • Iron (Fe) 43.8 Balance
  • Manganese (Mn) 1.5 Max
  • Carbon (C) 0.075 Median
    (0.05 Min - 0.1 Max)
  • Silicon (Si) 0.4 Max
  • Titanium (Ti) 0.375

UNS N08800

The 800 series alloys were developed during the 1950s. At that time, nickel was in high demand for national defense. In order to create a heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant material for commercial use with a lower nickel content, the 800 series alloys were created.

Incoloy 800 has 2 notable variations. Alloy 800H (UNS N08810) restricts the carbon content to the higher end of the acceptable range of Incoloy 800. Alloy 800 HT (UNS N08811) restricts the carbon, aluminum and titanium contents all to the high end. The advantage of the restricted chemistry results in higher creep strength and stress rupture properties. In our experience, most material purchased as Incoloy 800 also qualifies as Alloy 800H and Alloy 800HT.

Environments where Incoloy 800 fasteners have been used range from cryogenic to 1500º F (800º C). Alloy 800H and 800HT increase this range. Incoloy Alloy 800 is particularly resistant to nitric acid and is used in the chemical and petrochemical industries.

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  • Environment:
    Mildly Corrosive: Salt Water & Mild Acids
  • Temperature Limit:
    1400 °F / 760 °C
  • Ultimate Tensile (Typical):
    80 ksi / 552 mpa

Specifications & Technical Data

If your question isn’t answered below, download the complete technical data sheet here.


  • Plate: ASTM B240, ASME SB240
  • Bar: ASTM B408, ASME SB408

Physical Properties

Physical Constants
Density lb/in3 0.287
g/cm3 7.94
Melting Range °F 2475 – 2525
°C 1357 – 1385
Specific Heat (32-212°F), Btu/lb•°F 0.11
(0-100°C), J/kg•°C 460
Permeability at 70°F (21°C) and 200 oersted (15.9 kA/m) Annealed 1.014
Hot-Rolled 1.009
Curie Temperature °F -175
°C -115


Electrical and Thermal Properties
Temperature Electrical Resistivity Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of Expansiona
°F ohm•circ mil/ft Btu•in/ft2•h°F 10-6 in/in/°F
70 595 80
100 600 83
200 620 89 7.9
400 657 103 8.8
600 682 115 9.0
800 704 127 9.2
1000 722 139 9.4
1200 746 152 9.6
1400 758 166 9.9
1600 770 181 10.2
1800 776 214
2000 788
°C µΩ•m W/m°C µm/m/°C
20 0.989 11.5
100 1.035 13.0 14.4
200 1.089 14.7 15.9
300 1.127 16.3 16.2
400 1.157 17.9 16.5
500 1.191 19.5 16.8
600 1.223 21.1 17.1
700 1.251 22.8 17.5
800 1.266 24.7 18.0
900 1.283 27.1
1000 1.291 31.9

aBetween 70°F (21°C) and temperature shown.

Modulus of Elasticitya
Temperature Young’s Modulus Shear Modulus Poisson’s Ratiob Temperature Young’s Modulus Shear Modulus Poisson’s Ratiob
°F 103 ksi 103 ksi °C GPa GPa
-310 30.55 11.45 0.334 -190 210.6 78.9 0.334
75 28.50 10.64 0.339 20 19.5 73.4 0.339
200 27.82 10.37 0.341 100 191.3 71.2 0.343
400 26.81 9.91 0.353 200 184.8 68.5 0.349
600 25.71 9.47 0.357 300 178.3 66.1 0.357
800 24.64 9.04 0.363 400 171.6 63.0 0.362
1000 23.52 8.60 0.367 500 165.0 60.3 0.367
1200 22.37 8.125 0.377 600 157.7 57.4 0.373
1400 21.06 7.58 0.389 700 150.1 54.3 0.381
1600 19.20 6.82 0.408 800 141.3 50.7 0.394

aDetermined by dynamic method.
bCalculated from moduli of elasticity.

Tensile Properties

Tensile properties and hardness of INCOLOY alloys 800H/800HT at high temperatures
Hardness BHN
Tensile Strength
Yield Strength (0.2% Offset)
°F °C ksi MPa ksi MPa
80 27 126 77.8 536 21.7 150
800 425 67.5 465 18.8 130
1000 540 90 62.7 432 13.0 90
1200 650 84 54.8 378 13.5 93
1300 705 82 47.7 329 15.8 109
1400 760 74 34.2 236 13.1 90


High-temperature strength tensile properties of INCOLOY alloys 800H and 800HT.

High-temperature strength tensile properties of INCOLOY alloys 800H and 800HT.


Fatigue Strength

Low-cycle fatigue strength of alloys 800, 800H and 800HT. Bending strain was used for alloy 800; axial strain was used for alloys 800H and 800HT.

Low-cycle fatigue strength of alloys 800, 800H and 800HT at 1000°F (540°C).

Low-cycle fatigue strength of alloys 800, 800H and 800HT at 1000°F (540°C).

Low-cycle fatigue strength of alloys 800, 800H and 800HT at 1200°F (650°C).

Low-cycle fatigue strength of alloys 800, 800H and 800HT at 1200°F (650°C).


Creep Properties

Typical creep strength of INCOLOY alloys 800H and 800HT.

Typical rupture strength of INCOLOY alloys 800H and 800HT

Creep-rupture strength of INCOLOY alloy 800HT (UNS N08811)

Representative Rupture-Strength Values for INCOLOY alloys 800H/800HT
Temperature 10,000 h 30,000 h 50,000 h 1000,000 h
°F °C ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa
1200 650 17.5 121 15.0 103 14.0 97 13.0 90
1300 705 11.0 76 9.5 66 8.8 61 8.0 55
1400 760 7.3 50 6.3 43 5.8 40 5.3 37
1500 815 5.2 36 4.4 30 4.1 28 3.7 26
1600 870 3.5 24 3.0 21 2.8 19 2.5 17
1700 925 1.9 13 1.6 11 1.4 10 1.2 8.3
1800 980 1.2 8.3 1.0 6.9 0.9 6.2 0.8 5.5

Corrosion Resistance

Results of cyclic oxidation tests at 1800°F (980°C). Cycles consisted of 15 min heating and 5 min cooling in air.

Results of cyclic oxidation tests at 2000°F (1095°C). Cycles consisted of 15 min heating and 5 min cooling in air.

Corrosion rates in refinery furnace atmosphere
Alloy Corrosion Rate
mpy mm/y
INCOLOY alloys 800H/800HT 6.0 0.15
Type 310 Stainless Steel 8.9 0.23
Type 309 Stainless Steel 84.5 2.15
Type 304 Stainless Steel Complete Oxidation


Results of 100-h gas-carburization tests in hydrogen plus 2% methane
Alloy Weight Gain, mg/cm2
1700°F (925°C) 1800°F (980°C)
INCONEL alloy 600 2.66
INCONEL alloy 601 2.72 4.32
INCOLOY alloys 800H/800HT 4.94 11.6
Type 330 Stainless Steel 6.42 12.4


Results of gas-carburization tests at 2000°F (1095°C) 25-h tests in hydrogen plus 2% methane
Alloy Weight Gain, mg/cm2
INCONEL alloy 600 2.78
INCOLOY alloys 800H/800HT 5.33
Type 310 Stainless Steel 18.35
Type 309 Stainless Steel 18.91


Results of gas-carburization tests at 2000°F (1095°C) 100-h tests in hydrogen plus 2% methane and 5% argon
Alloy Weight Gain, mg/cm2
INCONEL alloy 600 12.30
INCONEL alloy 601 16.18
INCOLOY alloys 800H/800HT 21.58
Type 330 Stainless Steel 24.00


Results of 100-h gas-sulfidation tests in hydrogen plus 1.5% hydrogen sulfide
Alloy Weight Gain, mg/cm2
1110°F (600°C) 1290°F (700°C)
INCONEL alloy 601 15.6 79.3
INCOLOY alloys 800H/800HT 29.5 147.0
Type 310 Stainless Steel 32.6 138.4
Type 304 Stainless Steel 37.8 191.6


Results of nitriding tests in ammonia convertera
Alloy Depth of Nitriding
1 year 3 years
in. mm in. mm
INCOLOY alloys 800H/800HT 0.0054 0.137 0.0053 0.135
Type 310 Stainless Steel 0.0088 0.224 0.0092 0.234
Type 309 Stainless Steel 0.0095 0.241 0.0096 0.244
Type 446 Stainless Steel 0.0417 1.059 0.0453 1.151
Type 304 Stainless Steel 0.0427 1.085 0.0440 1.118

aAtmosphere of 65% hydrogen and 35% nitrogen at 11 ksi (75.8 MPa) and 1000°F (540°C)


Rupture Strengths of Welding Products (All-Weld-Metal Specimens) for INCOLOYalloys 800H and 800HT
Welding Product Temperature Stressa for rupture in
100 hours 1000 Hours 10,000 Hours
°F °C ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa
INCO-WELD A Electrode 1000 540 60.0 414 51.0 352 39.0 269
1200 650 35.0 241 24.5 196 16.0 110
1400 760 16.5 114 11.0 76 7.1 49
1600 870 7.0 48 3.65 25 1.9 13
1800 980 2.3 16 0.9 6
INCONEL Filler Metal 82 1000 540 58.0 400 52.0 359 47.0 324
1200 650 36.0 252 27.5 27.5 20.5 141
1400 760 16.0 110 11.5 11.5 8.3 57
1600 870 6.8 47 3.5 3.5 1.75 12
1800 980 2.7 19 1.25 1.25 0.57 4

aValues in bold are extrapolated.

Stress-rupture life of INCONEL Welding Electrode 117 as compared with that of INCOLOY alloys 800H and 800HT


Check out our Incoloy 800 Sample Products


Machine Screw Hex Nut #10 Incoloy 800H Material


A profile picture of a machine screw hex nut

Three Blue Hexagons Are Lined Up On A White Background Three Blue Hexagons Are Lined Up On A White Background
Three Blue Hexagons Are Lined Up On A White Background Three Blue Hexagons Are Lined Up On A White Background

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