a bunch of metal rings are stacked on top of each other

Monel 400

Monel 400

Nickel (Ni) - 63.0 Min
Copper (Cu) - 31.0 Median
(28.0 Min - 34.0 Max)
Iron (Fe) - 2.5 Max
Manganese (Mn) - 2.0 Max


  • Nickel (Ni) 63.0 Min
  • Copper (Cu) 31.0 Median
    (28.0 Min - 34.0 Max)
  • Iron (Fe) 2.5 Max
  • Manganese (Mn) 2.0 Max
  • Carbon (C) 0.3 Max
  • Silicon (Si) 0.5 Max
  • Sulfur ( S ) 0.024 Max

UNS N04400

Monel® was developed by the International Nickel Company in 1905, patented in 1906 and is now a trademark of Special Metals Corporation. Monel 400 (UNS N04400) is versatile and can resist corrosion in seawater applications. Monel alloy 405, a free-machining version of Monel alloy 400, shares the same physical and thermal properties but offers improved machinability.

Monel is made with precise computerized control in air induction furnaces instead of traditional direct ore smelting methods. Industries such as chemical and hydrocarbon processing leverage its extraordinary features to make fittings, boiler feeders and heat exchangers. It has a shiny surface with a distinct, slightly yellow color. This alloy is covered by standards ASTM B164, BS 3075, DTD 204B and 3076 NA 13.

Monel 400 is available from Nickel Systems in multiple forms for various industry applications.

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  • Environment:
    Mildly Corrosive: Salt Water & Mild Acids
  • Temperature Limit:
    1100 °F / 593 °C
  • Ultimate Tensile (Typical):
    83 ksi / 572 mpa

Specifications & Technical Data

If your question isn’t answered below, download the technical data sheet here.

  • Plate, Sheet & Strip: ASTM B127, ASME SB127
  • Rod, Bar, & Wire: ASTM B164, ASME SB164
  • Forgings: ASTM B564, ASME SB564
Physical Constants of MONEL Alloy 400a
Density g/cm3 8.80
lb/in3 0.318
Melting Range °F 2370-2460
°C 1300-1350
Modulus of Elasticity, 103 ksi Tension 26.0
Compression 26.0
Torsion 9.5
Poisson’s Ratio 0.32
Curie Temperature °F 70-120
°C 21-49


Thermal Properties of MONEL Alloy 400
Temperature Mean Linear Expansionb Thermal Conductivitya Specific Heata Electrical Resistivitya,c
°F °C in/in/°F x 10-6 µm/m•°C Btu-in/h/ft2/°F W/m•°C Btu/lb/°F J/kg•°C ohm-circ mil/ft µΩ•m
-320 -200 205 .360
-300 -180 6.1 11.1 113 16.5 0.050 223
-200 -130 6.4 11.4 130 18.2 0.078 320
-100 -70 6.7 12.1 139 19.8 0.088 378
70 21 151 22.0 0.102 427 307 0.511
200 100 7.7 14.2 167 24.0 0.105 445 322 0.537
400 200 8.6 15.2 193 26.9 0.110 459 337 0.559
600 300 8.8 15.7 215 30.1 0.114 470 346 0.574
800 400 8.9 16.1 238 33.4 355 0.587
1000 500 9.1 16.3 264 36.5 367 0.603
1200 600 9.3 16.6 287 39.4 379 0.620
1400 700 9.6 17.0 311 42.4 391 0.639
1600 800 9.8 17.4 335d 45.5d 403 0.658
1800 900 10.0d 17.7 360d 48.8d 415 0.675
2000 1000 10.3d 18.1d 427 0.692

aThese values also apply to MONEL alloy R-405, the free-machining version of MONEL alloy 400.
bAnnealed material. Between 70°F (21°C) and temperature shown.
cAnnealed material.

Effect of temperature on modulus of elasticity in tension of MONEL alloy 400 (determined by dynamic method).
Nominal Room-Temperature Tensile Properties of MONEL Alloy 400a
Form and Condition Tensile Strength Yield Strength (0.2% Offset) Elongation, % Hardness
Brinell (3000-kg) Rockwell B
ksi MPa ksi MPa
Rod and Bar
Annealed 75-90 517-620 25-50 172-345 60-35 110-149 60-80
Hot-Finished (except Hexagons over 2 1/8 inches and Angles) 80-110 552-758 40-100 276-690 60-30 140-241 75-100
Hot-Finished Hexagons over 2 1/8 inches and Angles 75-100 517-690 30-55 207-379 50-30 130-184 72-90
Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relieved 84-120 579-827 55-100 379-690 40-22 160-225 85-20C
Hot-Rolled, As-Rolled 75-95 517-655 40-75 276-517 45-30 125-215 70-96
Hot-Rolled, Annealed 70-85 482-586 28-50 193-345 50-35 110-140 60-76
Annealed 70-85 482-586 30-45 207-310 45-35 65-80
Cold-Rolled, Hard 100-120 690-827 90-110 621-758 15-2 93 min.a
Strip, Cold-Rolled
Annealed 70-85 482-586 25-45 172-310 55-35 68 max.a
Spring Temper 100-140 690-965 90-130 621-896 15-2 98 min.a
Tube and Pipe, Seamless
Cold-Drawn, Annealed 70-85 482-586 25-45 172-310 50-35 75 max.a
Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relieved 85-120 586-827 55-100 379-690 35-15 85-100a
Heat-Exchanger, Annealed 70-85 482-586 28-45 193-310 50-35 75 max.a
Heat-Exchanger, Stress-Relieved 85-105 586-724 55-90 379-621 35-15 85-97a
Hot-Extruded -b -b -b -b -b -b
No. 1 Temper (Annealed) 85 max. 586 max. 30-45 207-310 45-30 73 max.a
No. 2 Temper (Half-Hard) 85-105 586-724 55-80 379-552 30-10 75-97a
No. 3 Temper (Full-Hard) 110-130 758-896 90-110 621-758 10-3 95-27C
Wire, Cold Drawnc
Annealed 70-95 482-655 30-55 207-379 45-25
No. 1 Temper 85-100 586-690 50-75 345-517 30-20
Quarter-Hard 95-120 655-827 65-95 448-655 25-15
Half-Hard 110-135 758-931 85-120 586-827 15-8
Three-Quarter-Hard 125-150 862-1034 100-135 690-931 8-5
Full-Hard–Spring Temper 145-180 1000-1241 125-170 862-1172 5-2

a The ranges shown are composites for various product sizes and therefore are not suitable for specification purposes. Hardness values are suitable for specification purposes providing tensile properties are not also specified.
b Properties on request.Effect of temperature on modulus of elasticity in tension of MONEL alloy 400 (determined by dynamic method).
c Properties shown are for sizes from 0.032 to 0.250-in. diameter. Properties for other sizes may vary from these.

Hardness of Cold-Rolled MONEL Alloy 400 Sheet and Strip
Temper Rockwell B Hardness
Sheet Strip
Deep-Drawing and Spinning Quality 76 max. 76 max.
Annealeda 73 max. 68 max.
Skin-Hard 68-73
Quarter-Hard 73-83 73-83
Half-Hard 82-90 82-90
Three-Quarter-Hard 89-94
Hard 93 min. 93-98
Spring 98 min.


Approximate relationships between tensile properties and hardness of MONEL alloy 400
Hot-rolled and cold-drawn rods and forgings

Sheet and strip


Tensile Properties of MONEL Alloy 400 at Low Temperatures
Temper Temperature, °F Tensile Strength, ksi Yield Strength (0.2% Offset), ksi Elongation, % Reduction of Area, %
Cold-Drawn Room 103.80 93.70 19.0 71.0
-110 117.45 100.85 21.8 70.2
Rooma 103.40 93.30 17.3 72.5
Forged 70 92.00 67.00 31.0 72.7
-297 128.25 91.50 44.5 71.8
-423 142.00 96.40 38.5 61.0
Annealed 70 78.65 31.30 51.5 75.0
-297 115.25 49.50 49.5 73.9

aHeld at -110°F for several hours prior to testing at room temperature.

High-temperature properties of annealed MONEL alloy 400.

Torsional Properties of MONEL Alloy 400
Form and Condition Dia., in. Tensile Properties Torsional Properties Ratio
Tensile Strength, ksi Yield Strength (0.2% Offset), ksi Breaking Strength, ksi Proportional Limit, ksi Breaking Strength Torsional/ Tensile Strength Torsional Proportional Limit/ Tensile Strength Torsional Proportional Limit/ Torsional Breaking Strength
Cold-Drawn, 75% 0.148 157 110 68 0.700 0.433 0.618
Cold-Drawn, 75%
0.148 160 105 65 0.656 0.404 0.619
Hot-Rolled 1 86 38 66 23 0.768 0.267 0.349
Cold-Drawn, 20% 1 115 107 72 47 0.626 0.408 0.653
1.5 113 102 71 45 0.628 0.398 0.634


Compressive Properties of MONEL Alloy 400
Temper Compression Tension
Yield Strength (0.01% Offset), ksi Yield Strength (0.2% Offset), ksi Tensile Strength, ksi Yield Strength (0.01% Offset), ksi Yield Strength (0.2% Offset), ksi Elongation, %
Hot-Rolled 33 38 84 37 41 39.5
Cold-Drawna 58 81 97 75 87 27.0
Annealedb 19 28 78 28 33 44.0

a Stress-equalized at 525°F after cold drawing.
b Cold-drawn +1450°F/3 hr, F.C.

Shear Strength

Shear Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Sheeta
Temper Thickness, in. Shear Strength, ksi Tensile Strength, ksi Hardness, Rb Ratio Shear Strength/Tensile Strength
Hot-Rolled, Annealed 0.042 48.75 73.0 65 0.67
Cold-Rolled, Annealed 0.029 49.50 76.8 60 0.65

a Double-shear tests at room temperature.

Shear Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Rivet Wire
Property Condition
Annealed B & S No. 1a
Shear Strength, ksi
Room Temp 48.5 54.5
600b 45.0 52.0
800b 37.0 47.5
1000 29.0 38.0
800c 38.5 49.5
1000c 30.5 38.5
Tensile Strength, ksi 78.5 88.0
Yield Strength (0.2% Offset), ksi 46.0 75.5
Elongation, % 41 18

aCorresponds to the approximate strength of the shank of a headed rivet.    b30 min at temperature before testing.    c24 hr at temperature before testing.

U. S. Navy Tear Tests on MONEL Alloy 400 Hot-Rolled Platea
Temperature, °F Maximum Load, lb Corrected Energy Values, ft-lb Reduction in Thickness, %
Initiation Propagation Total
Room 32,340 715 2008 2723 57.0
-184 39,000 649 2402 3051 50.0
-238 42,000 795 2408 3203 51.0
-320 47,800 899 2802 3701 46.0
-320b 41,300 676 2138 2814 45.0

aIn all cases, appearance of fracture was double-cup shear.    bTested with jeweler’s-saw notch

Bearing Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Sheet
Temper Tensile Properties Bearing Strength Ratio, Bearing Strength/
Tensile Strength, ksi Yield Strength (0.2% Offset), ksi Elongation, % Yield Strengtha, ksi Ultimate Strengthb, ksi Yield Strength Ultimate Strength
Annealed 70.0 27.2 42.5 58.0 145.0 2.13 2.07
Half-Hard 75.8 56.2 32.0 98.1 166.0 1.75 2.19
Full-Hard 117.8 110.0 5.0 162.0 211.5 1.47 1.79

a2% enlargement of hole diameter in sheet.    bTearing out of sheet.

Impact Strength

Impact Strength of MONEL Alloy 400a
Temper Impact Strength, ft•lb
Izod Charpy U Notch
Hot-Rolled 100-120+ 220
Forged 75-115
Cold-Drawn 75-115 150
Annealed 90-120+ 215

a Tested at room temperature. None of the specimens was completely fractured.

Tension Impact Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Rod
Temper Tensile Impact Tensile Properties
Impact Strength, ft•lb Elongation in 3.54″, % Reduction of Area, % Tensile Strength, ksi Yield Strength (0.2% Offset), ksi Elongation in 2″, % Reduction of Area, % Hardness, Brinell (3000-kg)
Cold Drawn 24% Stress Relieved 96a 15.0 63.7 97.25 86.65 27.0 66.4 199
Annealed 1450°F/ 3 hr 129a 29.5 68.0 78.35 33.35 44.0 65.9 123

aSpecimen completely broken.

Charpy Torsion Impact Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Rod
Temper Impact Strength Angle of Twista, Degree Hardness, Brinell (3000-kg)
ft•lb ft•lb/in2
Hot-Rolled 34 694 101.5 145
Cold-Drawn 24%, Stress-Relieved 39 788 98.0 199
Annealed 1450°F/3 hr 30 599 102.0 123

aGage length about 3/16 in.

Impact Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 (Charpy V-Notch)
Temper Impact Strength, ft•lb
75°F -20°F -112°F -310°F
Hot-Rolled 219 213 196
Cold-Drawn, Annealed 216 212 219 212
Weld, As-Welded 78 73


Charpy Impact Strength of Hot-Finished MONEL Alloy 400 Plate
Temperature, °F Notch Orientation Impact Strength, ft•lb
-423a V Long. 141-219
-423a V Trans. 121-216
-423a Keyhole Long. 81-87
-423a Keyhole Trans. 72-75
-440b V Long. Unbroken
-440b V Trans. 171-193
-440b Keyhole Long. 123-146
-440b Keyhole Trans. 91-116

aRange for 5 tests liquid-hydrogen temperature.    bRange for 4 tests at liquid-helium temperature.

Fatigue Strength

Fatigue Strengtha of MONEL Alloy 400 Rod

Temper Fatigue Strength (108 cycles), ksi Tensile Strength, ksi Ratio Fatigue Strength/ Tensile Strength
Annealed 33.5 82.0 0.41
Hot-Rolled 42.0 88.0 0.48
Cold-Drawn, As-Drawn 40.5 105.0 0.39
Cold-Drawn, Stress-Equalizedb 44.0 104.0 0.42
Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relievedc 37.0 96.5 0.38

aRotating-beam tests of polished specimens in air at room temperature and 10,000 rpm.     b525°F/3 hr.     c1000°F/3 hr.

Fatigue Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Sheet and Stripa
Temper Fatigue Strength (108 cycles), ksi Tensile Strength, ksi Ratio Fatigue Strength/ Tensile Strength
Annealed 21.0 74.7 0.28
Quarter-Hard 24.5 76.5 0.32
Half-Hard 28.5 84.2 0.34
Full-Hard 39.0 126.0 0.31
Full-Hard, Stress-Equalized (525°F/21 hr) 41.0 133.0 0.31

aAs-rolled surface. Tested in air at room temperature. Specimen length parallel to direction of rolling. Completely reversed stress.

Fatigue strength of commercially produced MONEL alloy 400
Wire (0.0375-in. diameter, cold-drawn 75% after final anneal)

Fatigue strength of commercially produced MONEL alloy 400 wire (0.0375-in. diameter, cold-drawn 75% after final anneal).

Tested in processed condition. Data determined with a rotatingwire (5000 rpm) arc-fatigue machine.

Rod (0.500-in. diameter, cold-drawn, annealed 1500°F/3 hrs)

Fatigue strength of commercially produced MONEL alloy 400 rod (0.500-in. diameter, cold-drawn, annealed 1500°F/3 hrs).

Tested in the processed condition. Data determined by the R.R. Moore rotating beam technique.

Creep properties of Hot-Rolled MONEL alloy 400.

Creep properties of Cold-Drawn MONEL alloy 400
Cold-drawn annealed (1500°F/3 hr)

20% Cold-drawn Stress-relieved (1000°F/8 hr)

Creep properties of 20% cold-drawn stress-relieved (1000°F/8 hr) MONEL alloy 400.


Rupture properties of Cold-drawn MONEL alloy 400
Cold-drawn annealed (1500°F/30 min)

Rupture properties of cold-drawn annealed (1500°F/30 min) MONEL alloy 400.

Cold-drawn, Stress-relieved (1100°F/8 hr)

 Rupture properties of cold-drawn, stress-relieved (1100°F/8 hr) MONEL alloy 400.


Effect of annealing (3 hr) on room-temperature properties of MONEL alloy 400
Cold-drawn rod

 Effect of annealing (3 hr) on room-temperature properties of MONEL alloy 400 cold-drawn rod.

Hot-rolled Plate (Hardness converted from BHN.)

 Effect of annealing (3 hr) on room-temperature properties of hot-rolled MONEL alloy 400 plate.
At 1470°F, material is fully annealed.


Approximate time required at various temperatures to produce different hardness levels in MONEL alloy 400 cold-rolled strip by open annealing

 Approximate time required at various temperatures to produce different hardness levels in MONEL alloy 400 cold-rolled strip by open annealing

Approximate time required at various temperatures to produce different grain sizes in MONEL alloy 400 cold-rolled strip by open annealing

Approximate time required at various temperatures to produce different grain sizes in MONEL alloy 400 cold-rolled strip by open annealing.

Effect of cold work on hardness

Monel 400 Effect of cold work on hardness.

High-Temperature Tensile Properties of MONEL Alloy 400 Welds Made with MONEL Welding Electrode 190a
Temperature, °F Tensile Strength, ksi Yield Strength (0.2% Offset), ksi Elongation, % Reduction of Area, %
All-Weld Metal
Room 74.35 46.65 41.0 66.4
200 42.25 46.05 39.0 56.5
400 68.60 43.10 33.5 64.2
600 69.25 43.15 34.0 59.9
800 66.10 43.00 32.5 47.4
1000 55.95 38.70 22.0 24.5
Transverse Across Weldb
Room 76.2 48.50 24.0 48.0
400 69.6 45.00 24.0 58.3
600 68.5 45.80 21.0 56.5
800 69.0 41.00 28.0 44.2

aButt joints–1/2-in. MONEL alloy 400.    bAll breaks occurred in weld.

Room-Temperature Properties of Butt Joint Weld of 1 1/4-in. MONEL Alloy 400 and Steel Using MONEL Welding Electrode 190
Property As-Welded Heat-Treated 1150°F/10 hr, A.C.
All-Weld Metal Transverse Across Welda All-Weld Metal Transverse Across Welda
Tensile Strength, ksi 71.0 78.0 70.5 76.4
Yield Strength, ksi 48.3 51.5 45.3 36.7
Elongation, % 38 21 38 31
Reduction of Area, % 63.3 60.5 63.3 59.3

aBreak occurred in weld.

What Is Monel 400?

This solid-solution nickel-copper alloy exhibits high strength and toughness over a wide temperature range. It is resistant to steam, seawater, and highly caustic solutions such as sulfuric, hydrofluoric, and hydrochloric acids. This material has excellent weldability and can withstand immense pressure and weight.

Monel 400 composition includes a minimum of 63% nickel and up to 34% copper. Monel 400 exhibits a density of approximately 8.80 g/cm³ (0.318 lb/in³) and a melting range of 1,300-1,350°C (2,370-2,460°F). Its elastic modulus in tension is about 26.0 ksi (26,000 psi), reflecting its ability to withstand corrosion.

It has excellent mechanical properties at extremely cold temperatures. Compared to other alloys like stainless steel, Monel 400 has excellent ductility, durability, machinability and corrosion resistance.

Monel 400 Benefits

Monel 400 fasteners are highly valued for their exceptional corrosion resistance, making them ideal for harsh environments. Their unique properties and composition have several advantages for various use cases:

  • Corrosion resistance: Beyond marine performance, the Monel 400 alloy is highly resistant to stress corrosion cracking and pitting in most fresh and industrial waters. This versatility ensures long-term reliability across several applications.
  • Versatility: Monel 400 can be welded using various methods, with specific electrodes and filler metals recommended for different applications. It can also be readily joined and fabricated, and its mechanical properties are adjustable through hot or cold thermal treatments.
  • Strength: This alloy can endure harsh environments without compromising structural integrity, offering a longer service life.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Its durability reduces maintenance costs and the need for frequent replacements.

Applications of Monel 400

Monel 400 fasteners are commonly used in industries that require high corrosion resistance and mechanical strength. This alloy excels in aerospace, chemical plant equipment, marine engineering, nuclear power plants, mining and oil and gas. Applications include:

  • Heat exchangers
  • Pressure vessels
  • Crude oil distillation towers
  • Oil refinery crude columns
  • Feedwater and steam generator tubing
  • Valves, pumps, fittings and fasteners
  • Deaerating heaters
  • Gasoline and freshwater tanks
  • Chemical and hydrocarbon processing equipment
  • Chlorinated solvents
  • Brine heaters and seawater scrubbers in tanker inert gas systems


Types of Monel 400 Fasteners Available

Monel 400 is available in a variety of fasteners, including:

Choosing the Right Monel 400 Fasteners for Your Application

The combination of excellent resistance at high temperatures and excellent corrosion resistance makes the Monel alloy a great selection for various applications. Selecting the appropriate fastener for specific applications depends on these factors:

Fasteners made from this alloy are an excellent choice for various applications due to their unique properties. When selecting the appropriate fastener, consider the following factors:

  • Chemical environment: Monel 400 fasteners outperform stainless steel fasteners in saltwater environments or those with acidic chemicals and high chloride concentrations.
  • Galvanic corrosion: Pairing similar metals with nickel-copper alloys balances electrochemical potential and prevents related corrosion.
  • Strength: Monel 400 delivers higher tensile and yield strength than standard stainless steel grades.
  • Impact resistance: This tough metal performs in low-temperature environments, making it the preferred choice for applications requiring impact resistance.
  • Cost: While stainless steel is generally more affordable, Monel 400 provides better long-term value by minimizing maintenance and replacement costs.

Monel 400 fasteners offer a balance between high performance and cost efficiency. While they are more expensive than standard materials like stainless steel, their superior durability and corrosion resistance lead to reduced maintenance and replacement needs when paired with similar metals. Compared to premium alloys like Monel K-500 or Inconel®, Monel 400 is a more economical choice for applications where extreme strength or high-temperature resistance is not the primary requirement.

Consulting with experts can provide tailored recommendations based on your application needs, ensuring you select the most suitable fastener for optimal performance and longevity.

Three Blue Hexagons Are Lined Up On A White Background Three Blue Hexagons Are Lined Up On A White Background

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Nickel Systems provides high-quality exotic-grade materials that hold up in the toughest, most severe heat and corrosive environments. With our large inventory of specialty fasteners in stock, we are always ready to answer the call to serve the most challenging applications.

A Bunch Of Nuts And Bolts On A White Surface
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For a vast inventory of hard-to-find high nickel alloy fasteners, trust the experts at Nickel Systems for immediate delivery. Our team has years of expertise in the industry and is committed to exceptional customer service. We offer free consultation and support services to assist your business in finding the ideal products for specific needs.

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